Key Insights and Innovations from the Direktvertriebskongress
The 2024 Direktvertriebskongress in Wiesbaden was an inspiring two-day event that brought together industry leaders to celebrate growth and collaboration within direct sales. With over 130 participants from around the world, the event was a powerful reminder of the resilience and innovation driving our industry forward.

Jenkon: Reimagining the Future of Direct Sales
Jenkon’s commitment as a global sponsor of this event continues to demonstrate our strategic partnerships with DSAs around the world. CEO Robert Cavitt represented our values and vision, while VP of Global Sales Greg Fink led an engaging session during Tour Weiß. He highlighted the importance of the ever-changing global consumer and how technology can help direct sellers better engage with potential buyers.

Catalyzing Change, Inspiring Progress
The event showcased the Bundesverband Direktvertrieb Deutschland´s dedication to recognizing excellence. Companies like badenova, LichtBlick SE, and LR Health & Beauty Systems were celebrated for their groundbreaking approaches and remarkable growth.

Global Impact Through Local Insight
At Jenkon, we are immersing ourselves in the unique challenges and opportunities of the German-speaking markets to gain insights and enhance our ability to provide tailored, cutting-edge solutions across our global network. This localized understanding fuels our innovation, ensuring our software and support remain at the forefront of industry needs.
Together, we are shaping a brighter future for direct selling, one that reflects the diverse needs of our partners and clients worldwide.